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Responsibilities of ATT Course Coordinators

The ATT Course Coordinator is responsible for oversight of all aspects of ATT Course implementation. The Course Coordinator may wish to recruit support staff to help with the details of course planning and implementation but is still ultimately responsible for ensuring that the course meets all AAOS requirements.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Maintain Integrity of Program
    The AAOS has involved many subject matter experts in the development of a quality ATT curriculum. However, the quality of the course relies heavily on the ATT Course Coordinator and Faculty for the delivery of the program. The Course Coordinator maintains the integrity of the program and ensures that all minimum course requirements are met.
  • Select and Communicate with an ATT Medical Advisor
    It is the ATT Course Coordinator’s responsibility to identify a person to serve as the ATT Medical Advisor for the course. The name and address of the Medical Advisor must be indicated on the course roster.
  • Select Appropriate Faculty
    A Course Coordinator recruits, prepares, and supervises the Faculty for the course being coordinated.
  • Encourage Participant and Faculty to Complete Evaluations
    The AAOS wants to improve the ATT Course continually. Therefore, feedback from the participants and Faculty is very important. It is the ATT Course Coordinator’s responsibility to encourage that each participant and each Faculty member completes an evaluation form.
  • Maintain Direct Communication with the ATT Community
    The Course Coordinator is responsible for submitting a course notification form and course roster to the AAOS for each ATT Course. The Course Coordinator may also choose to publicize upcoming ATT Courses that are open to the public so that interested individuals may be referred to your course.
  • Coordinate Logistical Issues
    The ATT Course Coordinator manages logistical issues, including everything from equipment, room reservations, and participant registration to catering and signage. In some cases, these responsibilities can be delegated.
  • Manage Course Budget
    The ATT Course Coordinator manages the course budget.
  • Address Educational Principles Within the Structure of the Course
    The ATT Course Coordinator is responsible for the educational quality of the ATT Course. The Course Coordinator should ensure that the course is delivered in a way that is consistent with modern adult learning theory and that the content of the course is maintained.
  • Be Present for Entire Course and Supervise All Aspects of the Course
    The ATT Course Coordinator needs to be present for the entire course. The Course Coordinator supervises the registration process, observes lectures, scenarios, and skill stations. The Course Coordinator needs to be prepared to intervene if necessary. This could involve teaching a segment of the course or redirecting a skill station or scenario.
  • Submit Completed Course Notification Form to the AAOS
    One month prior to each ATT Course, the Course Coordinator needs to complete a course notification form and submit it to the AAOS.
  • Submit Completed Course Rosters to the AAOS
    At the completion of each ATT Course the Course Coordinator needs to complete a course roster and submit it to the AAOS within 30 days.
  • Ensure the Safety of Participants
    The ATT Course Coordinator ensures that all equipment, especially anything sharp, is handled and disposed of appropriately (e.g., sharps box) and that all skills are completed in a safe manner.
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