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Assessment and Treatment of Trauma Precourse Online Module

The Precourse Online Module is designed to guide the participant through the core trauma concepts. It ensures that the participant has the required prerequisite knowledge to be successful in the 1-day On-Site Module.

Participants are required to successfully complete the Precourse Online Module before attending the On-Site Module. It will take approximately 2 hours to complete the Precourse Online Module. Upon successful completion, participants are asked to print a completion certificate to present to the Course Coordinator at the On-Site Module.

Click here to see a demo of the Precourse Online Module.

The Precourse Online Module contains 12 specialized lessons including:

  • Mechanism of Trauma
  • Patient Assessment
  • Shock and Fluid Replacement
  • Head and Neck Trauma
  • Torso Trauma
  • Extremity and Musculoskeletal Trauma
  • Burn Trauma
  • Environmental Trauma
  • Special Populations
  • Medical and Legal Issues
  • Mass Casualty Incidents
  • Trauma Systems

At the completion of the 12 specialized lessons, participants take an examination to test their retention of the material presented. Participants must receive a minimum score of 80% on the examination in order to move onto the On-Site Module. Participants who do not successfully complete the examination on the first attempt will have an opportunity to review the material and have a second attempt to successfully complete the examination. After passing the examination and successfully completing the Precourse Online Module, participants must print their completion certificate and bring it with them to the On-Site Module. Participants who do not successfully complete the examination after the second attempt should review the textbook, obtain a new access code, and attempt the entire Precourse Online Module again.

It will take approximately 2 hours to complete the Precourse Online Module. Participants do not have to complete the Precourse Online Module in one sitting. They can leave and come back at any time. Participants will have a total of 180 days to complete the Precourse Online Module from the day they logon. Access codes to the Precourse Online Module are packaged with each ATT textbook.

ATT Course Coordinator Note:

One month prior to each ATT Course, the Course Coordinator needs to complete a course notification form and submit it to the AAOS. The purpose of the course notification form is to link participants completing the Precourse Online Module to the ATT Course they registered for. This "link" will ensure participants successfully completed the mandatory Precourse Online Module prior to attending the On-Site Module and it will automatically populate the course roster, saving the Course Coordinator from having to enter the information manually. We recommend that Course Coordinators send a reminder email to participants to complete the Precourse Online Module one week prior to the ATT Course.

On the course notification form, Course Coordinators are asked to notify the AAOS of courses they will teach that are open to the public. These courses will be publicized on the ATT web site.

Jones and Bartlett Publishers