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Assessment and Treatment of Trauma Completion & Certificate

The ATT Course is an international continuing education trauma course that is designed to provide continued trauma education beyond the participant's initial certification; it does not certify or license participants. Participants who successfully complete either the Basic or Advanced ATT Course qualify to receive an ATT Course Completion Certificate. To qualify to receive this certificate, the participant must:

  • Complete the Precourse Online Module prior to attending the On-Site Module
  • Participate in the complete On-Site Module
  • Pass the written test

Course Completion Certificate

ATT Course Completion Certificates are disseminated electronically to participants who complete the ATT Course and pass the written test with a score of 80% or better. ATT Course Completion Certificates are valid for 4 years. There is no charge for ATT Course Completion Certificates.

Participants are encouraged to complete an ATT participant evaluation form to improve future courses.

ATT Course Coordinator Note:

After completing an ATT Course, the Course Coordinator must complete the ATT course roster. The course roster should be automatically populated with the participants' information, assuming the Course Coordinator completed a course notification form and participants completed the mandatory Precourse Online Module prior to attending the On-Site Module. On an automatically populated course roster, the Course Coordinator will need to confirm that a participant participated in a complete On-Site Module and successfully passed the written test. After a completed roster is received by the AAOS, a personalized PDF Course Completion Certificate and participant evaluation form will be automatically e-mailed to qualified participants.

The Course Coordinator is responsible for encouraging all participants to complete an ATT participant evaluation form so that attendee feedback can be gathered. Course Coordinators should use this feedback to improve their future courses.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers